( upbeat music) – Hi guys, David and Davidhere from payetteforward.com, and in this video we’re going to explain why your iPhone battery dies so fast, and then recommend 14 iPhonebattery life saving tips-off. – Now I used to work in an Apple Store, and people would come in allthe time with this problem. 99% of the time, this problem is caused by the iPhone software. There’s nothing wrongwith the physical battery inside your iPhone, so we would always runthese battery checks, they’d come back positivethat the battery was okay, and then I’d show themhow to do these gratuities, and people would leave and they’d have considerably better battery life. So that’s what we’re gonnashow you how to do today. Our firstly battery saving tip is? – Is push mail. Turn pushmail from push to fetch.- So with push forward, your iPhone maintains a constant connectionto your email server. And your iPhone is alwaysasking that server, Is there mail? Is there mail? Is there mail? Is there mail? So, instead of having that happen, we can change your iPhonefrom push to fetch. That action we decide howoften your iPhone checks to see if there’s newmail or other revises. – Sure, so how do we do that? Well firstly let’s open up theSettings app on your iPhone, scroll down to Accounts& Passwords, tap Fetch New Data. First thing we’ll do hereis turn off the switch next to Push at the top of the screen. – Mh. Now how often should wefetch new data on your iPhone? And the answer is up to you.But generally every 15 hours is what I prefer. -[ David] Yes. – Because instead of youriPhone constantly asking the server is there brand-new mail? We tell the iPhone justcheck every 15 instants. – Yep. – And that’s frequent fairly for me. – And then you can alwaysjust open up your Mail app, and then the mail willautomatically fetch. – Exactly.- Anytime you open it. – Yep. – So I’ll tap every 15 instants, that small-time check mark will appear, and now you switched yourmail from push to fetch. – Mh. – Well done. – So let’s go back to the mainSettings menu on your iPhone, back to Reports, back to Places. And our next iPhonebattery life saving gratuity is, we’re gonna take a lookat Location Business. Now Location Servicesare one of the things that obliges the iPhone sogreat to use. It’s the GPS. It allows your iPhone to know where it is in the physical world.So, I’m not saying thatyou should turn off Location Assistances exclusively, because that would just be a drag. Instead, we’re going toidentify the Location Services that are using battery in thebackground of your iPhone, and apps that don’t needto have Location Assistance turned on. So- – Perfect. -[ David] On the Settings app we’re gonna scroll down to Privacy.-[ David] Privacy. -[ David] And then we’regonna sound Location Services. -[ David] Okay. – Now as I said you canturn off Location Business at the top, I don’t recommend doing that. Instead, I demand you to lookthrough this list of apps, and identify which onesneed to know where you are. Ask yourself for each app, does this app need to know where I am? If the answer is no, turnoff Location Work for that app.- Well I know for surethat Apple Watch Faces app does not need to know my locating, so I tapped on it, andI’m going to tap Never, that blue check mark will appear, and now Location Work not on for the Apple Watch Faces app. – Mh. So in the left hand sideof Location Assistance names that you have selected for each app, you’ll determine these little arrows sometimes. So let’s take a look at the roster of arrows at the bottom of the screen here. And we’ll start at the bottom one. A grey-haired arrow means that thisapp has used your site within the last 24 hours. And remember that that’sgonna drain your battery life.So be aware of those apps. The second one from thebottom is a purple arrow, and that meant that that app is using your locating right now. So be careful of those appsespecially if you be understood that. And then there’s the hollow purple arrow, and that indicates geo-fencing. Geo-fencing is one of thoseLocation Services facets that lets your iPhoneknow when it has entered or when it has left a certain location. So you can say, “Hey iPhoneremind me to pick up groceries when I leave work today.” And so your iPhone is going tokeep track of where you are, and where you work, andas soon as you leave, it’s gonna remind you to go buy groceries. The trouble with that isfor the facet to work, your iPhone has to constantly be tracking your point at work.And so, this type of LocationServices, this geo-fencing, is the number oneoffender in my experience of iPhone battery exhaust. So if you can, I recommendjust not using this feature. So the last place we need to look in this part of the Settingsapp, is under System Service. -[ David] I’ll go ahead and tap on that. – Mh. So here we have a list ofLocation Work that affect the operating system of your iPhone. For example, CompassCalibration, Emergency SOS, and then there are somenefarious ones now like Location-Based Apple Ads, Location-Based Suggestionsfor apps, Setting Times Zone, if you’re not travelingthrough different occasion zones, you don’t need to have this on. So I recommend going through this list turn off pretty much every one. – Yeah, I’m gonna turnoff Cell Network Search, Compass Calibration, I willleave on Emergency SOS actually in case you need that. -[ David] Yap. -[ David] Find My iPhonedefinitely leaving that on in case you lose it. -[ David] Mh. – HomeKit, I don’t need that. – Location-Based Alertsthose are the things when you’re gonna leavework it’ll alert you.Now, a lot of peoplewill ask, does this mean my iPhone will not connectto cell phone networks? It will still direct. – Great, so Apple Ads turn that on off, Location-Based Suggestions off, Motion Calibration& Distance, I want, unless you’re usingyour iPhone as a pedometer you probably don’t need that one. -[ David] Mh. – Setting Time Zone I’m not move. Share My Location, definitelydon’t want that one. Wi-Fi Calling I will leave on. -[ David] Mh. – Because I use the Wi-FiCalling and Wi-Fi Networking, I’ll turn that one off. – Mh. Now another plaza wherebattery pump is hiding, is in Significant Locations, which used to be calledFrequent Locale. So only tap on that.-[ David] Face ID confirmation. – So your iPhone has thecapability of tracking you everywhere you go, that’s fun. So let’s take a look at your index here. – Lot of New York ones, Iactually precisely went on a trip upstate a little bit recently, and I got a lot of locations now. -[ David] Right, but who needs it? – Not me. – Yeah, we don’t need tokeep track of our locales. Let’s turn off SignificantLocations entirely. -[ David] Tap the substitution , now it’s off, those orientations are exited. – Right, back to System Work. So here are the bottom of the menu, we interpret Product Improvement. This is gonna send data from your iPhone to Apple makes, wedon’t need to be doing this. So let’s just turn off iPhoneAnalytics, Popular Near Me, Routing& Traffic, Improve Maps. That’s their hassle to figure that material out. We don’t have to consume ourbattery telling them that nonsense. So that pretty much wrapsup the Location Service. – That wraps up Location, it’s a long step but it’s really great foryour iPhone’s battery.- Mh. Let’s go back to the mainPrivacy menu on your iPhone for the next tip-off. So, we’re in Privacy now, andscroll down to the bottom, and you’ll find Analytics. Tap on that, and thenShare iPhone Analytics. This meant that your iPhoneis occasionally going to send data about the direction thatyou use your iPhone, to Apple and other app developers, so that they can develop chooses , not something youriPhone needs to be doing in the background, becauseit’s doing additional substance, it’s draining your battery life.So let’s just go ahead and turn that off. -[ David] Off. -[ David] Yap, iCloudAnalytics, let’s turn that off. And then all of theseother ones if you see it- – Turn it off. – Turn it off, it’s gonnasave your battery life. So our next iPhonebattery life saving tip-off, is close out your apps. Now this is kind of a contentious topic, a lot of people say it makes a difference, a lot of people say itdoesn’t make a difference. As an Apple tech with ordeal working with hundreds of iPhones, I can tell you definitively that this does make a difference. And the reason why i, thatsometimes apps don’t work the way that they’re supposed to. Apps are not perfect, theApp Store is not perfect, makes are not perfect. So, what this does, is itprevents those problems from happening. – So firstly we need to open theapp switcher on your iPhone, then close out of the apps.So to open the app switcher, iPhone eight or earlier, double press the Home Button, iPhone 10 swipe up fromthe bottom of the screen, pause in the center, so now we’re in the app switcher. iPhone eight or earlier, swipe’ em off the top of the screen. – Yap. – iPhone 10 same thing wehave to press and hold first until this little redminus button show up, and then swipe’ em up andoff the priorities in the screen. – You might have 40 apps open. This is going to saveyour iPhone battery life, in spite of what otherpeople say, it toils. – Totally. Our fifth iPhonebattery life saving gratuity, is to turn off the notificationsthat you don’t need. So notifications are those little pop-ups that appear on youriPhone from time to time. Now notifications can sometimesbe good, like text senses, we wanna find out when peopleare sending us text letters, we’ll leave notifications on for that. However, there are otherapps that may be alerting you and they don’t need to be.For notifications to work nonetheless, that app needs to berunning in the background of your iPhone, merely to pay attention to whether it needs to alarm you, so by turning off notifications for apps that don’t need to alertyou from time to time, you’re gonna save battery life. -[ David] So go to the Settings app, scroll down and sounds on Notifications. – Now, take a look throughyour list of apps now, ask yourself, does this appneed to be able to notify me when something happens on my iPhone? Do I need a pop-up alert? If the answer is no, turn offnotifications for that app. So let’s go ahead andtake a look through yours. -[ David] Alright, let’s see, I don’t need any notifications from the Mr.Time app. – Yap, so when you open this menu, just turn off AllowNotifications at the top.There are ways tocustomize the notifications that you get in your iPhone, but it’s easier really to turn’ em all off. So just brain back to Notifications in the upper left handcorner of the screen, take a look through thislist, switch off notifications for apps that don’t need tonotify you from time to time. So what’s our next iPhonebattery life saving tip-off? – Next we’re gonna turnoff widgets you don’t need. Widgets are little mini-appsthat are on your iPhone, they give you a littlesnippet of information about what’s going on inside that app. – And how do I to have seen which widgets are running on my iPhone? – Well, you can swipe leftto right on your home screen until you reach thismenu with few widgets, I’ve got the Batterieswidget, ESPN widget, and the forecast widget. To turn off any of these widgets precisely tap that circular Edit button, and then tap the scarlet minus button next to the widget you want to remove. – Mh, widgets aremini-apps like David said, they’re always running in the background.By removing these, we’recutting down the number of apps that are running in thebackground of your iPhone, and saving your battery life. – Yep, time tap Removeagain, and then tap Done in the upper right-handcorner of the screen, and that Weather app widget is gone. -[ David] It’s gone -[ David] Simple. – Mh, so what’s our nextiPhone battery life saving gratuity? – Our next tip-off is to turn offyour iPhone once per week. – Your iPhone is a computer. It’s a little tiny computerthat you carry around in your pocket. If you were to leave a computer on, it’s plugged into the wall forever, it would slow down eventually. It’s important to turn off your computer, and turn it on every once in a while, same thing extends for your iPhone. How do we get it on? – Well iPhone eight or earlier, press and support the capability button, until slip to strength off performs, swipe that dominance icon left to right, it’ll shut down your iPhone. iPhone 10 is a little bit different, press on all the side buttonand the work down buttons, so slide to influence off performs, slip it, your iPhone’s off.Wait a few seconds turn it back on. So our next tip is to turnoff Background App Refresh for apps where you don’t need it. Background App Refresh iskind of like Notifications but it is a little different. It allows your iPhone appsto download brand-new content in the background, even whenyou’re not employ your iPhone. And that uses your battery life. So let’s front to the Settings app, and then to General, and then down to BackgroundApp Refresh tap on that, and now ask yourself which of these apps need to be able to download brand-new material in the background of my iPhonewhen I’m not using them. -[ David] A mas of’ em for me honestly. I often turn off these switchers pretty much every single time. – Mh. So go through thelist and turn it off for almost every your apps. That’s what I do, that’s what David does. – Yep. – So our next iPhonebattery life saving tip-off is, keep your iPhone cool.- Apple designed the iPhoneto function most efficiently between 32 positions Fahrenheitand 95 grades Fahrenheit. We start to go above 95 or below 32 you can run into troubles. – So just like your pup, don’t leave your iPhone in a red-hot gondola. You should know that extreme heat can impair your iPhonebattery permanently, and that’s no good. Cold temperatures however, will drain your iPhone battery temporarily, but it won’tcause any permanent shatter, it’ll come back to lifeas soon as it heateds up.So be especially carefulabout hot temperatures. – Our next gratuity is to makesure Auto-Lock is turned on. Auto-Lock is a feature thatturns off the iPhone screen after a certain amount of time. If you don’t have it turned on, your iPhone screen can stayon forever in your pocket, that’s no good. – Nope , not at all. – How do we turn it off? Let’s step back to General inthe upper left hand corner, and back to Specifies, and then scroll down to Display& Brightness, andthen now we’ll find Auto-Lock. David has Never turned on right now, and why do “youve had” that turned on? – Well because we’redoing a screen recording for this video. – Mh. But he’s alwayscareful to turn it off after we do this.- Right. I would never leave Auto-Lock to Never in any other circumstance, except for recording YouTube videos – Never say Never, exceptin this circumstance.- Yeah( chuckles). So we’ll sound on Auto-Lock, and just select somethingother than Never, I generally pick two to three minutes, it’s a good balance between3 0 seconds and five minutes. – Mh, I’m more of a two-minute guy myself. – Blue check mark willappear, you’re all set. – Mh. So our next iPhonebattery saving tip is turn on Reduce Motion. Now the visual effects in your iPhone and any gamer will tell you this, are members of the primary reasons why iPhone artilleries die so fast.Your iPhone is computer as I said before, and it has a littlegraphics processor inside, and that’s what’s responsible for all those little fancyanimations that happen. But each time an animation happens, it’s draining your iPhone battery. So, a lot of the time wecan turn off these features, and you won’t even notice certain differences. So, how do we do it David? – Well, we’re gonna tap theback to Display& Brightness, and back to Rectifies, and then we’re going to tapon General, tap Accessibility, sound Reduce Motion, and turn on the switch next to Reduce Motion, you’llknow it’s on when it’s green.- Mh. So David let’sshow them how it labor. -[ David] So I’ll swipe up andgo back to the Home Screen. – Right, and instead ofhaving a fancy animation where the app get swiped up and inspired, it simply fades into the background. Doesn’t really feign theway you use your iPhone, but it can save battery. – I frequently leave Reduced Motion on, and I’ve never noticed significant differences. – Mh. So our last iPhonebattery life saving tip-off is DFU restore your iPhone. Now before you decide to do this, make sure you leave out the changes that we’ve suggestedfor at least a few days, because a good deal of the time, youwill have set their own problems simply by changing thesesettings in the Settings app. However, if your iPhonebattery still continues to die too quickly, you may have adeeply rooted software problem that exclusively a DFU restore can solve.A DFU restore removeseverything from your iPhone, and then articulates it back on again. So make sure you have eitheran iTunes backup first, or an iCloud backup. Let’s picture’ em how to do aniCloud backup real quick. -[ David] Alright well let’sopen up the Settings up, and it’ll go back tothe prime Defines sheet by tapping these back buttons. -[ David] Mh. -[ David] And then we’regonna tap on my honour at the top of the screen, clearly it’s gonna be your call on your iPhone.-[ David] Mh. Unlessyour name is David Lynch. -[ David] That’d becoincidence, interesting. Tap iCloud. – Scroll all the way to the bottom to see your iCloud Backup. David has this peculiarity turned off. – Make sure this is turned on. – Yap. -[ David] Make sure that’swhat precisely turned on. Start iCloud Backup, okay. – Mh. So this can take a while. I thought backups do happen automatically, as long as your iPhoneis plugged in overnight, and connected to Wi-Fiand the screen is off. It’s a good peculiarity merely to have on. – Yeah, and then oncethat iCloud Backup is set, check out our DFU videos, there’s a card up above, and a associate in the specific characteristics. – So that pretty much folds up our roster of iPhone battery life saving tips. Now what should we do ifwe’ve done all this substance, we’ve done a DFU restore andwe’re still having a problem? – Well, you might be in that 1% that it was necessary to their battery replaced.Go to your regional Apple Store, or check out Puls, anon-demand repair company, they’ll send a tech to you, oust the battery on the spot. – Mh. But before you do that make sure you’ve tried all these tips because a good deal of the time beings pay for these artillery substitutions, and nothing alterations. It’s because it is the software that is causing this trouble. – So thank you guys forwatching this video, hopefully your artillery is better. Leave us a comment down below, if it help me out here out. Give us a thumbs up ifyou experienced this video. Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel. Click the notification bell, to get an immediate update when we upload a new video.( upbeat music ).
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